Prove the impact of your digital and out of home media with attribution reporting
At last you can measure your OOH Advertising Campaign while it’s live! For the first time OOH advertisers can measure a campaign’s impact on in-app or website activity in-flight.
Brand Lift, Awareness, Message Association, and Intent can be measured for Out of Home.
Measuring the impact of place-based ads on in-app and website conversions
Our expertise is in measuring OOH lift for metrics like in-app purchases, web-site activity and store visits.
We provide highly accurate net lift reports for your traditional, moving and digital OOH campaigns; measuring campaign impact on in-store foot traffic, website visits and conversions, app downloads and in-app events.
We have the unique capability to measure exposed audiences even when your out of home ad is on the move. We work with companies like Lyft Media, Uber OOH, Adomni and others for their moving OOH attribution needs.
The difference in conversions between the test audience, those who were exposed to your OOH ads, and the control group, those who were not exposed, is the impact of your campaign. We also control for variables to help isolate the impact of the campaign.
Get actionable campaign attribution reports showing foot traffic and digital impact, and prove the business value of marketing.
Apply privacy-compliant, precise location data to make better campaign decisions and improve your return on ad spend.
Mobile location data is an increasingly valuable resource with growing use cases across a wide range of industries.